What a weekend! Seriously - what. a. weekend.
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to shoot alongside a phenomenal photographer and friend of mine, T.J. Durnan see his work here: (http://www.tjdurnan.com). We photographed an amazing couple who's wedding took place a little further from home than I'm used to, aside from destinations, that is... Starting in Markham and finishing at a beauty of a Vineyard in NewMarket, On. The bride and groom were just fantastic, the venue was a picture out of Tuscany, and I had the privilege of shooting their kick-butt wedding party as we roamed the grounds and explored. We had an excellent time. After a 14 hour day, door-to-door, I tucked myself in. Lights out Tony.
Today was equally a big day - 2 of our gorgeous and pretty loveable brides and their handsome men had their big engagement sessions scheduled in. I started off meeting up with Sara and Brent. This is Sara, this is Brent.
We met up at one of the most unlikely locations I have ever heard of. I was given an intersection as an address and a appliance store as a landmark. As it stands, Brent and Sara have an interesting story together, so why should their shoot be regular. These two are anything but regular anyway - their spirit is captivating, her laugh will just make you feel happy inside and he has this hollywood- young actor, suave, coolness about him. (enter run-on-sentance.)
I was thrilled with our shoot together. Here are a few tidbits.